圆般 2011-03-22 22:35:36 4172次浏览 0条回复 1 0 0


CAccessControlFilter performs authorization checks for the specified actions. 
By enabling this filter, controller actions can be checked for access permissions.


When the user is not denied by one of the security rules or allowed by a rule explicitly, he will be able to access the action. 
For maximum security consider adding array('deny', 'users'=>array('*'))as a last rule in a list so all actions will be denied by default.

出于最大限度安全考量,添加(形如)array('deny', 'users'=>array('*'))的规则到列表的最后,以便在默认情况下任何的(控制器)行为将被拒绝。

To specify the access rules, set the rules property, which should be an array of the rules.
Each rule is specified as an array of the following structure: 


  'allow',  // or 'deny'  // 或者 'deny'
  // optional, list of action IDs (case insensitive) that this rule applies to   
  'actions'=>array('edit', 'delete'),
  // optional, list of controller IDs (case insensitive) that this rule applies to 
  // This option is available since version 1.0.3. 
  'controllers'=>array('post', 'admin/user'),
  // optional, list of usernames (case insensitive) that this rule applies to  
  // Use * to represent all users, ? guest users, and  authenticated users 
//使用 * 代表所有用户,? 代表游客,@代表认证用户
  'users'=>array('thomas', 'kevin'),
  // optional, list of roles (case sensitive!) that this rule applies to.  
  'roles'=>array('admin', 'editor'),
  // optional, list of IP address/patterns that this rule applies to   
  // e.g., 127.0.0.*      
  // optional, list of request types (case insensitive) that this rule applies to 
  'verbs'=>array('GET', 'POST'),
  // optional, a PHP expression whose value indicates whether this rule applies  
//可选项, php表达式的值确定规则是否应用.
  // This option is available since version 1.0.3. 
  'expression'=>'!$user->isGuest && $user->level==2',
  // optional, the customized error message to be displayed  
  // This option is available since version 1.1.1.  
  'message'=>'Access Denied.',
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