system system.base system.caching system.caching.dependencies system.collections system.console system.db system.db.schema system.db.schema.cubrid system.db.schema.mssql system.db.schema.mysql system.db.schema.oci system.db.schema.pgsql system.db.schema.sqlite system.gii system.i18n system.i18n.gettext system.logging system.test system.utils system.validators system.web system.web.actions system.web.auth system.web.filters system.web.form system.web.helpers system.web.renderers system.web.widgets system.web.widgets.captcha system.web.widgets.pagers zii.behaviors zii.widgets zii.widgets.grid zii.widgets.jui


继承 class CDbCriteria » CComponent
可用自 1.0
源码 framework/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php
CDbCriteria represents a query criteria, such as conditions, ordering by, limit/offset.

It can be used in AR query methods such as CActiveRecord::find and CActiveRecord::findAll.

$criteria=new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->compare('status',Post::STATUS_ACTIVE); $criteria->addInCondition('id',array(1,2,3,4,5,6));

$posts = Post::model()->findAll($criteria);



alias string the alias name of the table. CDbCriteria
condition string query condition. CDbCriteria
distinct boolean whether to select distinct rows of data only. CDbCriteria
group string how to group the query results. CDbCriteria
having string the condition to be applied with GROUP-BY clause. CDbCriteria
index string the name of the AR attribute whose value should be used as index of the query result array. CDbCriteria
join string how to join with other tables. CDbCriteria
limit integer maximum number of records to be returned. CDbCriteria
offset integer zero-based offset from where the records are to be returned. CDbCriteria
order string how to sort the query results. CDbCriteria
paramCount integer the global counter for anonymous binding parameters. CDbCriteria
params array list of query parameter values indexed by parameter placeholders. CDbCriteria
scopes mixed scopes to apply

This property is effective only when passing criteria to the one of the following methods:

Can be set to one of the following:
  • One scope: $criteria->scopes='scopeName';
  • Multiple scopes: $criteria->scopes=array('scopeName1','scopeName2');
  • Scope with parameters: $criteria->scopes=array('scopeName'=>array($params));
  • Multiple scopes with parameters: $criteria->scopes=array('scopeName1'=>array($params1),'scopeName2'=>array($params2));
  • Multiple scopes with the same name: array(array('scopeName'=>array($params1)),array('scopeName'=>array($params2)));
select mixed the columns being selected. CDbCriteria
together boolean whether the foreign tables should be joined with the primary table in a single SQL. CDbCriteria
with mixed the relational query criteria. CDbCriteria



__call() Calls the named method which is not a class method. CComponent
__construct() Constructor. CDbCriteria
__get() Returns a property value, an event handler list or a behavior based on its name. CComponent
__isset() Checks if a property value is null. CComponent
__set() Sets value of a component property. CComponent
__unset() Sets a component property to be null. CComponent
__wakeup() Remaps criteria parameters on unserialize to prevent name collisions. CDbCriteria
addBetweenCondition() Adds a between condition to the condition property. CDbCriteria
addColumnCondition() Appends a condition for matching the given list of column values. CDbCriteria
addCondition() Appends a condition to the existing condition. CDbCriteria
addInCondition() Appends an IN condition to the existing condition. CDbCriteria
addNotInCondition() Appends an NOT IN condition to the existing condition. CDbCriteria
addSearchCondition() Appends a search condition to the existing condition. CDbCriteria
asa() Returns the named behavior object. CComponent
attachBehavior() Attaches a behavior to this component. CComponent
attachBehaviors() Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. CComponent
attachEventHandler() Attaches an event handler to an event. CComponent
canGetProperty() Determines whether a property can be read. CComponent
canSetProperty() Determines whether a property can be set. CComponent
compare() Adds a comparison expression to the condition property. CDbCriteria
detachBehavior() Detaches a behavior from the component. CComponent
detachBehaviors() Detaches all behaviors from the component. CComponent
detachEventHandler() Detaches an existing event handler. CComponent
disableBehavior() Disables an attached behavior. CComponent
disableBehaviors() Disables all behaviors attached to this component. CComponent
enableBehavior() Enables an attached behavior. CComponent
enableBehaviors() Enables all behaviors attached to this component. CComponent
evaluateExpression() Evaluates a PHP expression or callback under the context of this component. CComponent
getEventHandlers() Returns the list of attached event handlers for an event. CComponent
hasEvent() Determines whether an event is defined. CComponent
hasEventHandler() Checks whether the named event has attached handlers. CComponent
hasProperty() Determines whether a property is defined. CComponent
mergeWith() Merges with another criteria. CDbCriteria
raiseEvent() Raises an event. CComponent
toArray() CDbCriteria


alias 属性
public string $alias;

the alias name of the table. If not set, it means the alias is 't'.

condition 属性
public string $condition;

query condition. This refers to the WHERE clause in an SQL statement. For example, age>31 AND team=1.

distinct 属性
public boolean $distinct;

whether to select distinct rows of data only. If this is set true, the SELECT clause would be changed to SELECT DISTINCT.

group 属性
public string $group;

how to group the query results. This refers to the GROUP BY clause in an SQL statement. For example, 'projectID, teamID'.

having 属性
public string $having;

the condition to be applied with GROUP-BY clause. For example, 'SUM(revenue)<50000'.

index 属性 (自版本 v1.1.5 可用)
public string $index;

the name of the AR attribute whose value should be used as index of the query result array. Defaults to null, meaning the result array will be zero-based integers.

join 属性
public string $join;

how to join with other tables. This refers to the JOIN clause in an SQL statement. For example, 'LEFT JOIN users ON'.

limit 属性
public integer $limit;

maximum number of records to be returned. If less than 0, it means no limit.

offset 属性
public integer $offset;

zero-based offset from where the records are to be returned. If less than 0, it means starting from the beginning.

order 属性
public string $order;

how to sort the query results. This refers to the ORDER BY clause in an SQL statement.

paramCount 属性
public static integer $paramCount;

the global counter for anonymous binding parameters. This counter is used for generating the name for the anonymous parameters.

params 属性
public array $params;

list of query parameter values indexed by parameter placeholders. For example, array(':name'=>'Dan', ':age'=>31).

scopes 属性 (自版本 v1.1.7 可用)
public mixed $scopes;

scopes to apply

This property is effective only when passing criteria to the one of the following methods:

Can be set to one of the following:
  • One scope: $criteria->scopes='scopeName';
  • Multiple scopes: $criteria->scopes=array('scopeName1','scopeName2');
  • Scope with parameters: $criteria->scopes=array('scopeName'=>array($params));
  • Multiple scopes with parameters: $criteria->scopes=array('scopeName1'=>array($params1),'scopeName2'=>array($params2));
  • Multiple scopes with the same name: array(array('scopeName'=>array($params1)),array('scopeName'=>array($params2)));

select 属性
public mixed $select;

the columns being selected. This refers to the SELECT clause in an SQL statement. The property can be either a string (column names separated by commas) or an array of column names. Defaults to '*', meaning all columns.

together 属性 (自版本 v1.1.4 可用)
public boolean $together;

whether the foreign tables should be joined with the primary table in a single SQL. This property is only used in relational AR queries for HAS_MANY and MANY_MANY relations.

When this property is set true, only a single SQL will be executed for a relational AR query, even if the primary table is limited and the relationship between a foreign table and the primary table is many-to-one.

When this property is set false, a SQL statement will be executed for each HAS_MANY relation.

When this property is not set, if the primary table is limited or paginated, a SQL statement will be executed for each HAS_MANY relation. Otherwise, a single SQL statement will be executed for all.

with 属性 (自版本 v1.1.0 可用)
public mixed $with;

the relational query criteria. This is used for fetching related objects in eager loading fashion. This property is effective only when the criteria is passed as a parameter to the following methods of CActiveRecord:

The property value will be used as the parameter to the CActiveRecord::with() method to perform the eager loading. Please refer to CActiveRecord::with() on how to specify this parameter.


__construct() 方法
public void __construct(array $data=array ( ))
$data array criteria initial property values (indexed by property name)
源码: framework/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php#157 (显示)
public function __construct($data=array())
$data as $name=>$value)


__wakeup() 方法 (自版本 v1.1.9 可用)
public void __wakeup()
源码: framework/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php#167 (显示)
public function __wakeup()
$this->params as $name=>$value)
    if (!empty(
$sqlContentFieldNames as $field)
$this->$field as $k=>$v)

Remaps criteria parameters on unserialize to prevent name collisions.

addBetweenCondition() 方法 (自版本 v1.1.2 可用)
public static addBetweenCondition(string $column, string $valueStart, string $valueEnd, string $operator='AND')
$column string the name of the column to search between.
$valueStart string the beginning value to start the between search.
$valueEnd string the ending value to end the between search.
$operator string the operator used to concatenate the new condition with the existing one. Defaults to 'AND'.
{return} static the criteria object itself
源码: framework/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php#468 (显示)
public function addBetweenCondition($column,$valueStart,$valueEnd,$operator='AND')
$valueStart==='' || $valueEnd==='')

$condition="$column BETWEEN $paramStart AND $paramEnd";


Adds a between condition to the condition property.

The new between condition and the existing condition will be concatenated via the specified operator which defaults to 'AND'. If one or both values are empty then the condition is not added to the existing condition. This method handles the case when the existing condition is empty. After calling this method, the condition property will be modified.

addColumnCondition() 方法
public static addColumnCondition(array $columns, string $columnOperator='AND', string $operator='AND')
$columns array list of column names and values to be matched (name=>value)
$columnOperator string the operator to concatenate multiple column matching condition. Defaults to 'AND'.
$operator string the operator used to concatenate the new condition with the existing one. Defaults to 'AND'.
{return} static the criteria object itself
源码: framework/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php#354 (显示)
public function addColumnCondition($columns,$columnOperator='AND',$operator='AND')
$columns as $name=>$value)
$params[]=$name.' IS NULL';
$this->addCondition(implode($columnOperator ",$params), $operator);

Appends a condition for matching the given list of column values. The generated condition will be concatenated to the existing condition via the specified operator which defaults to 'AND'. The condition is generated by matching each column and the corresponding value.

addCondition() 方法
public static addCondition(mixed $condition, string $operator='AND')
$condition mixed the new condition. It can be either a string or an array of strings.
$operator string the operator to join different conditions. Defaults to 'AND'.
{return} static the criteria object itself
源码: framework/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php#218 (显示)
public function addCondition($condition,$operator='AND')
$condition='('.implode(') '.$operator.' (',$condition).')';
$this->condition='('.$this->condition.') '.$operator.' ('.$condition.')';

Appends a condition to the existing condition. The new condition and the existing condition will be concatenated via the specified operator which defaults to 'AND'. The new condition can also be an array. In this case, all elements in the array will be concatenated together via the operator. This method handles the case when the existing condition is empty. After calling this method, the condition property will be modified.

addInCondition() 方法
public static addInCondition(string $column, array $values, string $operator='AND')
$column string the column name (or a valid SQL expression)
$values array list of values that the column value should be in
$operator string the operator used to concatenate the new condition with the existing one. Defaults to 'AND'.
{return} static the criteria object itself
源码: framework/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php#274 (显示)
public function addInCondition($column,$values,$operator='AND')
$condition='0=1'// 0=1 is used because in MSSQL value alone can't be used in WHERE
$condition=$column.' IS NULL';
$values as $value)
$condition=$column.' IN ('.implode(', ',$params).')';

Appends an IN condition to the existing condition. The IN condition and the existing condition will be concatenated via the specified operator which defaults to 'AND'. The IN condition is generated by using the SQL IN operator which requires the specified column value to be among the given list of values.

addNotInCondition() 方法 (自版本 v1.1.1 可用)
public static addNotInCondition(string $column, array $values, string $operator='AND')
$column string the column name (or a valid SQL expression)
$values array list of values that the column value should not be in
$operator string the operator used to concatenate the new condition with the existing one. Defaults to 'AND'.
{return} static the criteria object itself
源码: framework/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php#315 (显示)
public function addNotInCondition($column,$values,$operator='AND')
$condition=$column.' IS NOT NULL';
$values as $value)
$condition=$column.' NOT IN ('.implode(', ',$params).')';

Appends an NOT IN condition to the existing condition. The NOT IN condition and the existing condition will be concatenated via the specified operator which defaults to 'AND'. The NOT IN condition is generated by using the SQL NOT IN operator which requires the specified column value to be among the given list of values.

addSearchCondition() 方法
public static addSearchCondition(string $column, string $keyword, boolean $escape=true, string $operator='AND', string $like='LIKE')
$column string the column name (or a valid SQL expression)
$keyword string the search keyword. This interpretation of the keyword is affected by the next parameter.
$escape boolean whether the keyword should be escaped if it contains characters % or _. When this parameter is true (default), the special characters % (matches 0 or more characters) and _ (matches a single character) will be escaped, and the keyword will be surrounded with a % character on both ends. When this parameter is false, the keyword will be directly used for matching without any change.
$operator string the operator used to concatenate the new condition with the existing one. Defaults to 'AND'.
$like string the LIKE operator. Defaults to 'LIKE'. You may also set this to be 'NOT LIKE'.
{return} static the criteria object itself
源码: framework/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php#251 (显示)
public function addSearchCondition($column,$keyword,$escape=true,$operator='AND',$like='LIKE')
$condition=$column.$like ".self::PARAM_PREFIX.self::$paramCount;

Appends a search condition to the existing condition. The search condition and the existing condition will be concatenated via the specified operator which defaults to 'AND'. The search condition is generated using the SQL LIKE operator with the given column name and search keyword.

compare() 方法 (自版本 v1.1.1 可用)
public static compare(string $column, mixed $value, boolean $partialMatch=false, string $operator='AND', boolean $escape=true)
$column string the name of the column to be searched
$value mixed the column value to be compared with. If the value is a string, the aforementioned intelligent comparison will be conducted. If the value is an array, the comparison is done by exact match of any of the value in the array. If the string or the array is empty, the existing search condition will not be modified.
$partialMatch boolean whether the value should consider partial text match (using LIKE and NOT LIKE operators). Defaults to false, meaning exact comparison.
$operator string the operator used to concatenate the new condition with the existing one. Defaults to 'AND'.
$escape boolean whether the value should be escaped if $partialMatch is true and the value contains characters % or _. When this parameter is true (default), the special characters % (matches 0 or more characters) and _ (matches a single character) will be escaped, and the value will be surrounded with a % character on both ends. When this parameter is false, the value will be directly used for matching without any change.
{return} static the criteria object itself
源码: framework/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php#414 (显示)
public function compare($column$value$partialMatch=false$operator='AND'$escape=true)



$this->addSearchCondition($column,$value,$escape,$operator,'NOT LIKE');



Adds a comparison expression to the condition property.

This method is a helper that appends to the condition property with a new comparison expression. The comparison is done by comparing a column with the given value using some comparison operator.

The comparison operator is intelligently determined based on the first few characters in the given value. In particular, it recognizes the following operators if they appear as the leading characters in the given value:

  • <: the column must be less than the given value.
  • >: the column must be greater than the given value.
  • <=: the column must be less than or equal to the given value.
  • >=: the column must be greater than or equal to the given value.
  • <>: the column must not be the same as the given value. Note that when $partialMatch is true, this would mean the value must not be a substring of the column.
  • =: the column must be equal to the given value.
  • none of the above: the column must be equal to the given value. Note that when $partialMatch is true, this would mean the value must be the same as the given value or be a substring of it.

Note that any surrounding white spaces will be removed from the value before comparison. When the value is empty, no comparison expression will be added to the search condition.

mergeWith() 方法
public void mergeWith(mixed $criteria, string|boolean $operator='AND')
$criteria mixed the criteria to be merged with. Either an array or CDbCriteria.
$operator string|boolean the operator used to concatenate where and having conditions. Defaults to 'AND'. For backwards compatibility a boolean value can be passed: - 'false' for 'OR' - 'true' for 'AND'
源码: framework/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php#494 (显示)
public function mergeWith($criteria,$operator='AND')
$operator=$operator 'AND' 'OR';
$criteria=new self($criteria);

$this->condition="({$this->condition}$operator ({$criteria->condition})";





$this->order=$criteria->order.', '.$this->order;

$this->group.=', '.$criteria->group;

$this->join.=' '.$criteria->join;

$this->having="({$this->having}$operator ({$criteria->having})";




$scopes1 as $k=>$v)
$scopes2 as $k=>$v)

$criteria->with as $k=>$v)
'joinType','on') as $opt)
$excludes[$opt]= ($opt==='on' && isset($excludes[$opt]) && $v[$opt]!==$excludes[$opt]) ?
"($excludes[$opt]) AND $v[$opt]$v[$opt];
$this->with[$k]=new self($this->with[$k]);
                if (

Merges with another criteria. In general, the merging makes the resulting criteria more restrictive. For example, if both criterias have conditions, they will be 'AND' together. Also, the criteria passed as the parameter takes precedence in case two options cannot be merged (e.g. LIMIT, OFFSET).

toArray() 方法
public array toArray()
{return} array the array representation of the criteria
源码: framework/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php#639 (显示)
public function toArray()
'select''condition''params''limit''offset''order''group''join''having''distinct''scopes''with''alias''index''together') as $name)