tsingsun 2017-08-15 17:33:55 7604次浏览 1条评论 5 1 0


Github: https://github.com/tsingsun/yii2-easy-wechat

Yii2 EasyWechat

wechat extension for Yii2. this is base on EasyWechat


    composer require --prefer-dist tsingsun/yii2-easy-wechat


'components' => [       
        'cache' => [
            'keyPrefix' => 'yak',
            //the config is all most match the easyWechat office's config,
            //the diffenrece please see Notice
                'debug'  => true,                

                'oauth' => [
                    'scopes'   => ['snsapi_userinfo'],
                    'callback' => '/examples/oauth_callback.php',
                'guzzle' => [
                    'timeout' => 3.0, //
                    //'verify' => false, // close SSL verify(not suggust!!!)
                 * Cache,if not set ,use Yii default config cache

            'targets' => [
                    'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget',
                    'maxFileSize'=> 200,
                    'levels' => [],
                    'logVars' => [],
                    'logFile' => '@runtime/logs/'.date('ymd').'.log',


There are some change to better match for yii

  • use Yii Logger component instead of EasyWechat default logger;
  • use Yii Cache component instead of EasyWechat default Cache that based on \Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache.

how to use

    //after configure,use it as bellow
    * @var Wechat $wechat use @var doc attribute to code lint
    $wechat = Yii::$app->get('wechat');
    //$wechat->app is Easywechat's Application instance
    $wechat->app->server->setMessageHandler(function ($message) {
                return "hello world!welcome!";

how to Test

In the unit test process, also discovered the WeChat development debugging egg pain, because also combed the test better practice
The tests are centered in the test directory. Go to the directory 测试说明

  • 评论于 2018-03-19 22:32 举报

    注释是英文啊~ 对于我这个英文不好的人来说 只能靠翻译了

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