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blueprint是一个所谓的css framework,相比较而言blueprint 代码中的注释还是比较详细的。 blueprint的构建方式也与此类似: 分而治之: buleprint在功能组织上,将诸如布局(layout)、排版(typography)、组件(widget)、重置(reset)、打印 (print)等功能分散到不同的css文件中。这样方便使用者只需要导入自己所要使用的功能,不用导入全部文件,提高页面装载性能。目前在组件部分只提 供了对button的处理,尚未做到麦肯锡的MECE("相互独立,完全穷尽")的道。 统一接口: 尽管功能分散到多个css文件,但是导入时候,仍然只需要包含同样的文件screen.css文件,具体的导入细节在screen.css中再处理,统一了对外接口。 blueprint 所包含的css文件说明: screen.css This is the main file of the framework. It imports other CSS files from the "lib" directory, and should be included on every page. 类似于Jeff Croft的base.css功能,只需要包含此文件,就可以导入 print.css This file sets some default print rules, so that printed versions included on every page. 用于处理打印,可以归类为widget。 lib/grid.css This file sets up the grid (it's true). It has a lot of classes you apply to divs to set up any sort of column-based grid. 用于处理页面的布局(栏目) lib/typography.css This file sets some default typography. It also has a few methods for some really fancy stuff to do with your text. 用于处理页面元素的排版。 lib/reset.css This file resets CSS values that browsers tend to set for you. 用于重置页面,对没有指定css属性的页面元素指定缺省值。 lib/buttons.css Provides some great CSS-only buttons. 用于处理按钮,可以归类为widget lib/compressed.css A compressed version of the core files. Use this on every live site. See screen.css for instructions 提供压缩过的(包含grid.css,tyopgraphy.css,reset.css,buttons.css)的css文件。 http://www.blueprintcss.org/ http://code.google.com/p/blueprintcss/ http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/web/wa-htmlcss/index.html

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