bubifengyun 2015-09-05 12:18:38 2312次浏览 2条回复 0 0 0

www.yiichina.com/doc/guide/2.0/structure-assets#customizing-asset-bundles 该项翻译少了一部分。

Using Asset Bundles ¶ To use an asset bundle, register it with a view by calling the yii\web\AssetBundle::register() method. For example, in a view template you can register an asset bundle like the following:

use app\assets\AppAsset;
AppAsset::register($this);  // $this represents the view object

Info: The yii\web\AssetBundle::register() method returns an asset bundle object containing the information about the published assets, such as basePath or baseUrl.

在翻译中被丢掉了 Info:这部分。但是我没办法对翻译结果修改。致使我反复看了译文很久都没有解决的问题,在回到原文中才解决。谢谢。

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