包 | 类 | 描述 |
system |
Yii |
Yii is a helper class serving common framework functionalities. |
YiiBase |
YiiBase is a helper class serving common framework functionalities. |
system.base |
CApplication |
CApplication is the base class for all application classes. |
CApplicationComponent |
CApplicationComponent is the base class for application component classes. |
CBehavior |
CBehavior is a convenient base class for behavior classes. |
CComponent |
CComponent is the base class for all components. |
CEnumerable |
CEnumerable is the base class for all enumerable types. |
CErrorEvent |
CErrorEvent represents the parameter for the onError event. |
CErrorHandler |
CErrorHandler handles uncaught PHP errors and exceptions. |
CEvent |
CEvent is the base class for all event classes. |
CException |
CException represents a generic exception for all purposes. |
CExceptionEvent |
CExceptionEvent represents the parameter for the onException event. |
CHttpException |
CHttpException represents an exception caused by invalid operations of end-users. |
CModel |
CModel is the base class providing the common features needed by data model objects. |
CModelBehavior |
CModelBehavior is a base class for behaviors that are attached to a model component. |
CModelEvent |
CModelEvent class. |
CModule |
CModule is the base class for module and application classes. |
CSecurityManager |
CSecurityManager provides private keys, hashing and encryption functions. |
CStatePersister |
CStatePersister implements a file-based persistent data storage. |
IAction |
IAction is the interface that must be implemented by controller actions. |
IApplicationComponent |
IApplicationComponent is the interface that all application components must implement. |
IAuthManager |
IAuthManager interface is implemented by an auth manager application component. |
IBehavior |
IBehavior interfaces is implemented by all behavior classes. |
IFilter |
IFilter is the interface that must be implemented by action filters. |
IStatePersister |
IStatePersister is the interface that must be implemented by state persister calsses. |
IUserIdentity |
IUserIdentity interface is implemented by a user identity class. |
IViewRenderer |
IViewRenderer interface is implemented by a view renderer class. |
IWebServiceProvider |
IWebServiceProvider interface may be implemented by Web service provider classes. |
IWebUser |
IWebUser interface is implemented by a user application component. |
system.caching |
CApcCache |
CApcCache provides APC caching in terms of an application component. |
CCache |
CCache is the base class for cache classes with different cache storage implementation. |
CDbCache |
CDbCache implements a cache application component by storing cached data in a database. |
CDummyCache |
CDummyCache is a placeholder cache component. |
CEAcceleratorCache |
CEAcceleratorCache implements a cache application module based on eaccelerator. |
CFileCache |
CFileCache provides a file-based caching mechanism. |
CMemCache |
CMemCache implements a cache application component based on memcached. |
CMemCacheServerConfiguration |
CMemCacheServerConfiguration represents the configuration data for a single memcache server. |
CXCache |
CXCache implements a cache application module based on xcache. |
CZendDataCache |
CZendDataCache implements a cache application module based on the Zend Data Cache |
ICache |
ICache is the interface that must be implemented by cache components. |
ICacheDependency |
ICacheDependency is the interface that must be implemented by cache dependency classes. |
system.caching.dependencies |
CCacheDependency |
CCacheDependency is the base class for cache dependency classes. |
CChainedCacheDependency |
CChainedCacheDependency represents a list of cache dependencies. |
CDbCacheDependency |
CDbCacheDependency represents a dependency based on the query result of a SQL statement. |
CDirectoryCacheDependency |
CDirectoryCacheDependency represents a dependency based on change of a directory. |
CExpressionDependency |
CExpressionDependency represents a dependency based on the result of a PHP expression. |
CFileCacheDependency |
CFileCacheDependency represents a dependency based on a file's last modification time. |
CGlobalStateCacheDependency |
CGlobalStateCacheDependency represents a dependency based on a global state value. |
system.collections |
CAttributeCollection |
CAttributeCollection implements a collection for storing attribute names and values. |
CConfiguration |
CConfiguration represents an array-based configuration. |
CList |
CList implements an integer-indexed collection class. |
CListIterator |
CListIterator implements an interator for CList. |
CMap |
CMap implements a collection that takes key-value pairs. |
CMapIterator |
CMapIterator implements an interator for CMap. |
CQueue |
CQueue implements a queue. |
CQueueIterator |
CQueueIterator implements an interator for CQueue. |
CStack |
CStack implements a stack. |
CStackIterator |
CStackIterator implements an interator for CStack. |
CTypedList |
CTypedList represents a list whose items are of the certain type. |
system.console |
CConsoleApplication |
CConsoleApplication represents a console application. |
CConsoleCommand |
CConsoleCommand represents an executable user command. |
CConsoleCommandRunner |
CConsoleCommandRunner manages commands and executes the requested command. |
CHelpCommand |
CHelpCommand represents a console help command. |
system.db |
CDbCommand |
CDbCommand represents an SQL statement to execute against a database. |
CDbConnection |
CDbConnection represents a connection to a database. |
CDbDataReader |
CDbDataReader represents a forward-only stream of rows from a query result set. |
CDbException |
CDbException represents an exception that is caused by some DB-related operations. |
CDbTransaction |
CDbTransaction represents a DB transaction. |
system.db.ar |
CActiveFinder |
CActiveFinder implements eager loading and lazy loading of related active records. |
CActiveRecord |
CActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing relational data. |
CActiveRecordBehavior |
CActiveRecordBehavior is the base class for behaviors that can be attached to CActiveRecord. |
CActiveRecordMetaData |
CActiveRecordMetaData represents the meta-data for an Active Record class. |
CActiveRelation |
CActiveRelation is the base class for representing active relations that bring back related objects. |
CBaseActiveRelation |
CBaseActiveRelation is the base class for all active relations. |
CBelongsToRelation |
CBelongsToRelation represents the parameters specifying a BELONGS_TO relation. |
CHasManyRelation |
CHasManyRelation represents the parameters specifying a HAS_MANY relation. |
CHasOneRelation |
CHasOneRelation represents the parameters specifying a HAS_ONE relation. |
CJoinElement |
CJoinElement represents a tree node in the join tree created by CActiveFinder. |
CJoinQuery |
CJoinQuery represents a JOIN SQL statement. |
CManyManyRelation |
CManyManyRelation represents the parameters specifying a MANY_MANY relation. |
CStatElement |
CStatElement represents STAT join element for CActiveFinder. |
CStatRelation |
CStatRelation represents a statistical relational query. |
system.db.schema |
CDbColumnSchema |
CDbColumnSchema class describes the column meta data of a database table. |
CDbCommandBuilder |
CDbCommandBuilder provides basic methods to create query commands for tables. |
CDbCriteria |
CDbCriteria represents a query criteria, such as conditions, ordering by, limit/offset. |
CDbExpression |
CDbExpression represents a DB expression that does not need escaping. |
CDbSchema |
CDbSchema is the base class for retrieving metadata information. |
CDbTableSchema |
CDbTableSchema is the base class for representing the metadata of a database table. |
system.db.schema.mssql |
CMssqlColumnSchema |
CMssqlColumnSchema class describes the column meta data of a MSSQL table. |
CMssqlCommandBuilder |
CMssqlCommandBuilder provides basic methods to create query commands for tables for Mssql Servers. |
CMssqlPdoAdapter |
This is an extension of default PDO class for mssql driver only |
CMssqlSchema |
CMssqlSchema is the class for retrieving metadata information from a MS SQL Server database. |
CMssqlTableSchema |
CMssqlTableSchema represents the metadata for a MSSQL table. |
system.db.schema.mysql |
CMysqlColumnSchema |
CMysqlColumnSchema class describes the column meta data of a MySQL table. |
CMysqlSchema |
CMysqlSchema is the class for retrieving metadata information from a MySQL database (version 4.1.x and 5.x). |
CMysqlTableSchema |
CMysqlTableSchema represents the metadata for a MySQL table. |
system.db.schema.oci |
COciColumnSchema |
COciColumnSchema class describes the column meta data of a Oracle table. |
COciCommandBuilder |
COciCommandBuilder provides basic methods to create query commands for tables. |
COciSchema |
COciSchema is the class for retrieving metadata information from an Oracle database. |
COciTableSchema |
COciTableSchema represents the metadata for a Oracle table. |
system.db.schema.pgsql |
CPgsqlColumnSchema |
CPgsqlColumnSchema class describes the column meta data of a PostgreSQL table. |
CPgsqlSchema |
CPgsqlSchema is the class for retrieving metadata information from a PostgreSQL database. |
CPgsqlTableSchema |
CPgsqlTable represents the metadata for a PostgreSQL table. |
system.db.schema.sqlite |
CSqliteColumnSchema |
CSqliteColumnSchema class describes the column meta data of a SQLite table. |
CSqliteCommandBuilder |
CSqliteCommandBuilder provides basic methods to create query commands for SQLite tables. |
CSqliteSchema |
CSqliteSchema is the class for retrieving metadata information from a SQLite (2/3) database. |
system.i18n |
CDateFormatter |
CDateFormatter provides date/time localization functionalities. |
CDbMessageSource |
CDbMessageSource represents a message source that stores translated messages in database. |
CGettextMessageSource |
CGettextMessageSource represents a message source that is based on GNU Gettext. |
CLocale |
CLocale represents the data relevant to a locale. |
CMessageSource |
CMessageSource is the base class for message translation repository classes. |
CMissingTranslationEvent |
CMissingTranslationEvent represents the parameter for the onMissingTranslation event. |
CNumberFormatter |
CNumberFormatter provides number localization functionalities. |
CPhpMessageSource |
CPhpMessageSource represents a message source that stores translated messages in PHP scripts. |
system.i18n.gettext |
CGettextFile |
CGettextFile is the base class for representing a Gettext message file. |
CGettextMoFile |
CGettextMoFile represents an MO Gettext message file. |
CGettextPoFile |
CGettextPoFile represents a PO Gettext message file. |
system.logging |
CDbLogRoute |
CDbLogRoute stores log messages in a database table. |
CEmailLogRoute |
CEmailLogRoute sends selected log messages to email addresses. |
CFileLogRoute |
CFileLogRoute records log messages in files. |
CLogFilter |
CLogFilter preprocesses the logged messages before they are handled by a log route. |
CLogRoute |
CLogRoute is the base class for all log route classes. |
CLogRouter |
CLogRouter manages log routes that record log messages in different media. |
CLogger |
CLogger records log messages in memory. |
CProfileLogRoute |
CProfileLogRoute displays the profiling results in Web page. |
CWebLogRoute |
CWebLogRoute shows the log content in Web page. |
system.utils |
CChoiceFormat |
CChoiceFormat is a helper that chooses an appropriate message based on the specified number value. |
CDateTimeParser |
CDateTimeParser converts a date/time string to a UNIX timestamp according to the specified pattern. |
CFileHelper |
CFileHelper provides a set of helper methods for common file system operations. |
CMarkdownParser |
CMarkdownParser is a wrapper of MarkdownExtra_Parser. |
CPropertyValue |
CPropertyValue is a helper class that provides static methods to convert component property values to specific types. |
CTimestamp |
CTimestamp represents a timestamp. |
CVarDumper |
CVarDumper is intended to replace the buggy PHP function var_dump and print_r. |
system.validators |
CBooleanValidator |
CBooleanValidator validates that the attribute value is either trueValue or falseValue. |
CCaptchaValidator |
CCaptchaValidator validates that the attribute value is the same as the verification code displayed in the CAPTCHA. |
CCompareValidator |
CCompareValidator compares the specified attribute value with another value and validates if they are equal. |
CDefaultValueValidator |
CDefaultValueValidator sets the attributes with the specified value. |
CEmailValidator |
CEmailValidator validates that the attribute value is a valid email address. |
CExistValidator |
CExistValidator validates that the attribute value exists in a table. |
CFileValidator |
CFileValidator verifies if an attribute is receiving a valid uploaded file. |
CFilterValidator |
CFilterValidator transforms the data being validated based on a filter. |
CInlineValidator |
CInlineValidator represents a validator which is defined as a method in the object being validated. |
CNumberValidator |
CNumberValidator validates that the attribute value is a number. |
CRangeValidator |
CRangeValidator validates that the attribute value is among the list (specified via range). |
CRegularExpressionValidator |
CRegularExpressionValidator validates that the attribute value matches to the specified regular expression. |
CRequiredValidator |
CRequiredValidator validates that the specified attribute does not have null or empty value. |
CStringValidator |
CStringValidator validates that the attribute value is of certain length. |
CTypeValidator |
CTypeValidator verifies if the attribute is of the type specified by type. |
CUniqueValidator |
CUniqueValidator validates that the attribute value is unique in the corresponding database table. |
CUrlValidator |
CUrlValidator validates that the attribute value is a valid http or https URL. |
CValidator |
CValidator is the base class for all validators. |
system.web |
CAssetManager |
CAssetManager is a Web application component that manages private files (called assets) and makes them accessible by Web clients. |
CBaseController |
CBaseController is the base class for CController and CWidget. |
CCacheHttpSession |
CCacheHttpSession implements a session component using cache as storage medium. |
CClientScript |
CClientScript manages JavaScript and CSS stylesheets for views. |
CController |
CController manages a set of actions which deal with the corresponding user requests. |
CCookieCollection |
CCookieCollection implements a collection class to store cookies. |
CDbHttpSession |
CDbHttpSession extends CHttpSession by using database as session data storage. |
CExtController |
CExtController is the base class for controllers distributed as extension. |
CFormModel |
CFormModel represents a data model that collects HTML form inputs. |
CHttpCookie |
A CHttpCookie instance stores a single cookie, including the cookie name, value, domain, path, expire, and secure. |
CHttpRequest |
CHttpRequest encapsulates the $_SERVER variable and resolves its inconsistency among different Web servers. |
CHttpSession |
CHttpSession provides session-level data management and the related configurations. |
CHttpSessionIterator |
CHttpSessionIterator implements an interator for CHttpSession. |
COutputEvent |
COutputEvent represents the parameter for events related with output handling. |
CPagination |
CPagination represents information relevant to pagination. |
CSort |
CSort represents information relevant to sorting. |
CTheme |
CTheme represents an application theme. |
CThemeManager |
CThemeManager manages the themes for the Web application. |
CUploadedFile |
CUploadedFile represents the information for an uploaded file. |
CUrlManager |
CUrlManager manages the URLs of Yii Web applications. |
CUrlRule |
CUrlRule represents a URL formatting/parsing rule. |
CWebApplication |
CWebApplication extends CApplication by providing functionalities specific to Web requests. |
CWebModule |
CWebModule represents an application module. |
system.web.actions |
CAction |
CAction is the base class for all controller action classes. |
CInlineAction |
CInlineAction represents an action that is defined as a controller method. |
CViewAction |
CViewAction represents an action that displays a view according to a user-specified parameter. |
system.web.auth |
CAccessControlFilter |
CAccessControlFilter performs authorization checks for the specified actions. |
CAccessRule |
CAccessRule represents an access rule that is managed by CAccessControlFilter. |
CAuthAssignment |
CAuthAssignment represents an assignment of a role to a user. |
CAuthItem |
CAuthItem represents an authorization item. |
CAuthManager |
CAuthManager is the base class for authorization manager classes. |
CBaseUserIdentity |
CBaseUserIdentity is a base class implementing IUserIdentity. |
CDbAuthManager |
CDbAuthManager represents an authorization manager that stores authorization information in database. |
CPhpAuthManager |
CPhpAuthManager represents an authorization manager that stores authorization information in terms of a PHP script file. |
CUserIdentity |
CUserIdentity is a base class for representing identities that are authenticated based on a username and a password. |
CWebUser |
CWebUser represents the persistent state for a Web application user. |
system.web.filters |
CFilter |
CFilter is the base class for all filters. |
CFilterChain |
CFilterChain represents a list of filters being applied to an action. |
CInlineFilter |
CInlineFilter represents a filter defined as a controller method. |
system.web.helpers |
CGoogleApi |
CGoogleApi provides helper methods to easily access Google AJAX APIs. |
CHtml |
CHtml is a static class that provides a collection of helper methods for creating HTML views. |
CJSON converts PHP data to and from JSON format. |
CJavaScript |
CJavaScript is a helper class containing JavaScript-related handling functions. |
system.web.renderers |
CPradoViewRenderer |
CPradoViewRenderer implements a view renderer that allows users to use a template syntax similar to PRADO templates. |
CViewRenderer |
CViewRenderer is the base class for view renderer classes. |
system.web.services |
CSoapObjectWrapper |
CSoapObjectWrapper is a wrapper class internally used when SoapServer::setObject() is not defined. |
CWebService |
CWebService encapsulates SoapServer and provides a WSDL-based web service. |
CWebServiceAction |
CWebServiceAction implements an action that provides Web services. |
CWsdlGenerator |
CWsdlGenerator generates the WSDL for a given service class. |
system.web.widgets |
CAutoComplete |
CAutoComplete generates an auto-complete text field. |
CClipWidget |
CClipWidget records its content and makes it available elsewhere. |
CContentDecorator |
CContentDecorator decorates the content it encloses with the specified view. |
CFilterWidget |
CFilterWidget is the base class for widgets that can also be used as filters. |
CFlexWidget |
CFlexWidget embeds a Flex 3.x application into a page. |
CHtmlPurifier |
CHtmlPurifier is wrapper of HTML Purifier. |
CInputWidget |
CInputWidget is the base class for widgets that collect user inputs. |
CMarkdown |
CMarkdown converts the captured content from markdown syntax to HTML code. |
CMaskedTextField |
CMaskedTextField generates a masked text field. |
CMultiFileUpload |
CMultiFileUpload generates a file input that can allow uploading multiple files at a time. |
COutputCache |
COutputCache enables caching the output generated by an action or a view fragment. |
COutputProcessor |
COutputProcessor transforms the content into a different format. |
CStarRating |
CStarRating displays a star rating control that can collect user rating input. |
CTabView |
CTabView displays contents in multiple tabs. |
CTextHighlighter |
CTextHighlighter does syntax highlighting for its body content. |
CTreeView |
CTreeView displays a tree view of hierarchical data. |
CWidget |
CWidget is the base class for widgets. |
system.web.widgets.captcha |
CCaptcha |
CCaptcha renders a CAPTCHA image element. |
CCaptchaAction |
CCaptchaAction renders a CAPTCHA image. |
system.web.widgets.pagers |
CBasePager |
CBasePager is the base class for all pagers. |
CLinkPager |
CLinkPager displays a list of hyperlinks that lead to different pages of target. |
CListPager |
CListPager displays a dropdown list that contains options leading to different pages of target. |