system system.base system.caching system.caching.dependencies system.collections system.console system.db system.db.schema system.db.schema.mssql system.db.schema.mysql system.db.schema.oci system.db.schema.pgsql system.db.schema.sqlite system.i18n system.i18n.gettext system.logging system.utils system.validators system.web system.web.actions system.web.auth system.web.filters system.web.helpers system.web.renderers system.web.widgets system.web.widgets.captcha system.web.widgets.pagers


继承 class CHttpRequest » CApplicationComponent » CComponent
实现 IApplicationComponent
可用自 1.0
版本 $Id$
CHttpRequest encapsulates the $_SERVER variable and resolves its inconsistency among different Web servers.

CHttpRequest also manages the cookies sent from and sent to the user. By setting enableCookieValidation to true, cookies sent from the user will be validated to see if they are tampered. The property cookies returns the collection of cookies. For more details, see CCookieCollection.

CHttpRequest is a default application component loaded by CWebApplication. It can be accessed via CWebApplication::getRequest().



acceptTypes string user browser accept types CHttpRequest
baseUrl string Returns the relative URL for the application. CHttpRequest
behaviors array the behaviors that should be attached to this component. CApplicationComponent
browser array Returns information about the capabilities of user browser. CHttpRequest
cookies CCookieCollection Returns the cookie collection. CHttpRequest
csrfCookie array the property values (in name-value pairs) used to initialize the CSRF cookie. CHttpRequest
csrfToken string Returns the random token used to perform CSRF validation. CHttpRequest
csrfTokenName string the name of the token used to prevent CSRF. CHttpRequest
enableCookieValidation boolean whether cookies should be validated to ensure they are not tampered. CHttpRequest
enableCsrfValidation boolean whether to enable CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) validation. CHttpRequest
hostInfo string Returns the schema and host part of the application URL. CHttpRequest
isAjaxRequest boolean whether this is an AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) request. CHttpRequest
isInitialized boolean whether this application component has been initialized (i. CApplicationComponent
isPostRequest boolean whether this is POST request. CHttpRequest
isSecureConnection boolean if the request is sent via secure channel (https) CHttpRequest
pathInfo string Returns the path info of the currently requested URL. CHttpRequest
preferredLanguage string the user preferred language. CHttpRequest
queryString string part of the request URL that is after the question mark CHttpRequest
requestType string request type, such as GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE. CHttpRequest
requestUri string Returns the request URI portion for the currently requested URL. CHttpRequest
scriptFile string entry script file path (processed w/ realpath()) CHttpRequest
scriptUrl string Returns the relative URL of the entry script. CHttpRequest
serverName string server name CHttpRequest
serverPort integer server port number CHttpRequest
url string part of the request URL after the host info. CHttpRequest
urlReferrer string URL referrer, null if not present CHttpRequest
userAgent string user agent CHttpRequest
userHost string user host name, null if cannot be determined CHttpRequest
userHostAddress string user IP address CHttpRequest



__call() Calls the named method which is not a class method. CComponent
__get() Returns a property value, an event handler list or a behavior based on its name. CComponent
__isset() Checks if a property value is null. CComponent
__set() Sets value of a component property. CComponent
__unset() Sets a component property to be null. CComponent
asa() Returns the named behavior object. CComponent
attachBehavior() Attaches a behavior to this component. CComponent
attachBehaviors() Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. CComponent
attachEventHandler() Attaches an event handler to an event. CComponent
canGetProperty() Determines whether a property can be read. CComponent
canSetProperty() Determines whether a property can be set. CComponent
detachBehavior() Detaches a behavior from the component. CComponent
detachBehaviors() Detaches all behaviors from the component. CComponent
detachEventHandler() Detaches an existing event handler. CComponent
disableBehavior() Disables an attached behavior. CComponent
disableBehaviors() Disables all behaviors attached to this component. CComponent
enableBehavior() Enables an attached behavior. CComponent
enableBehaviors() Enables all behaviors attached to this component. CComponent
getAcceptTypes() CHttpRequest
getBaseUrl() Returns the relative URL for the application. CHttpRequest
getBrowser() Returns information about the capabilities of user browser. CHttpRequest
getCookies() Returns the cookie collection. CHttpRequest
getCsrfToken() Returns the random token used to perform CSRF validation. CHttpRequest
getEventHandlers() Returns the list of attached event handlers for an event. CComponent
getHostInfo() Returns the schema and host part of the application URL. CHttpRequest
getIsAjaxRequest() CHttpRequest
getIsInitialized() CApplicationComponent
getIsPostRequest() CHttpRequest
getIsSecureConnection() CHttpRequest
getParam() Returns the named GET or POST parameter value. CHttpRequest
getPathInfo() Returns the path info of the currently requested URL. CHttpRequest
getPost() Returns the named POST parameter value. CHttpRequest
getPreferredLanguage() CHttpRequest
getQuery() Returns the named GET parameter value. CHttpRequest
getQueryString() CHttpRequest
getRequestType() CHttpRequest
getRequestUri() Returns the request URI portion for the currently requested URL. CHttpRequest
getScriptFile() CHttpRequest
getScriptUrl() Returns the relative URL of the entry script. CHttpRequest
getServerName() CHttpRequest
getServerPort() CHttpRequest
getUrl() CHttpRequest
getUrlReferrer() CHttpRequest
getUserAgent() CHttpRequest
getUserHost() CHttpRequest
getUserHostAddress() CHttpRequest
hasEvent() Determines whether an event is defined. CComponent
hasEventHandler() Checks whether the named event has attached handlers. CComponent
hasProperty() Determines whether a property is defined. CComponent
init() Initializes the application component. CHttpRequest
raiseEvent() Raises an event. CComponent
redirect() Redirects the browser to the specified URL. CHttpRequest
sendFile() Sends a file to user. CHttpRequest
setBaseUrl() Sets the relative URL for the application. CHttpRequest
setHostInfo() Sets the schema and host part of the application URL. CHttpRequest
setScriptUrl() Sets the relative URL for the application entry script. CHttpRequest
stripSlashes() Strips slashes from input data. CHttpRequest
validateCsrfToken() Performs the CSRF validation. CHttpRequest



createCsrfCookie() Creates a cookie with a randomly generated CSRF token. CHttpRequest
normalizeRequest() Normalizes the request data. CHttpRequest


acceptTypes 属性 只读
public string getAcceptTypes()

user browser accept types

baseUrl 属性
public string getBaseUrl(boolean $absolute=false)
public void setBaseUrl(string $value)

Returns the relative URL for the application. This is similar to scriptUrl except that it does not have the script file name, and the ending slashes are stripped off.


browser 属性 只读
public array getBrowser(string $userAgent=NULL)

Returns information about the capabilities of user browser.

cookies 属性 只读

Returns the cookie collection. The result can be used like an associative array. Adding CHttpCookie objects to the collection will send the cookies to the client; and removing the objects from the collection will delete those cookies on the client.

csrfCookie 属性
public array $csrfCookie;

the property values (in name-value pairs) used to initialize the CSRF cookie. Any property of CHttpCookie may be initialized. This property is effective only when enableCsrfValidation is true.

csrfToken 属性 只读
public string getCsrfToken()

Returns the random token used to perform CSRF validation. The token will be read from cookie first. If not found, a new token will be generated.

csrfTokenName 属性
public string $csrfTokenName;

the name of the token used to prevent CSRF. Defaults to 'YII_CSRF_TOKEN'. This property is effectively only when enableCsrfValidation is true.

enableCookieValidation 属性
public boolean $enableCookieValidation;

whether cookies should be validated to ensure they are not tampered. Defaults to false.

enableCsrfValidation 属性
public boolean $enableCsrfValidation;

whether to enable CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) validation. Defaults to false. By setting this property to true, forms submitted to an Yii Web application must be originated from the same application. If not, a 400 HTTP exception will be raised. Note, this feature requires that the user client accepts cookie. You also need to use CHtml::form or CHtml::statefulForm to generate the needed HTML forms in your pages.

hostInfo 属性
public string getHostInfo(string $schema='')
public void setHostInfo(string $value)

Returns the schema and host part of the application URL. The returned URL does not have an ending slash. By default this is determined based on the user request information. You may explicitly specify it by setting the hostInfo property.


isAjaxRequest 属性 只读
public boolean getIsAjaxRequest()

whether this is an AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) request.

isPostRequest 属性 只读
public boolean getIsPostRequest()

whether this is POST request.

isSecureConnection 属性 只读
public boolean getIsSecureConnection()

if the request is sent via secure channel (https)

pathInfo 属性 只读
public string getPathInfo()

Returns the path info of the currently requested URL. This refers to the part that is after the entry script and before the question mark. The starting and ending slashes are stripped off.

preferredLanguage 属性 只读
public string getPreferredLanguage()

the user preferred language. The returned language ID will be canonicalized using CLocale::getCanonicalID. This method returns false if the user does not have language preference.

queryString 属性 只读
public string getQueryString()

part of the request URL that is after the question mark

requestType 属性 只读
public string getRequestType()

request type, such as GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE.

requestUri 属性 只读 (自版本 v1.0.1 可用)
public string getRequestUri()

Returns the request URI portion for the currently requested URL. This refers to the portion that is after the host info part. It includes the query string part if any. The implementation of this method referenced Zend_Controller_Request_Http in Zend Framework.

scriptFile 属性 只读
public string getScriptFile()

entry script file path (processed w/ realpath())

scriptUrl 属性
public string getScriptUrl()
public void setScriptUrl(string $value)

Returns the relative URL of the entry script. The implementation of this method referenced Zend_Controller_Request_Http in Zend Framework.

serverName 属性 只读
public string getServerName()

server name

serverPort 属性 只读
public integer getServerPort()

server port number

url 属性 只读
public string getUrl()

part of the request URL after the host info. It consists of the following parts:

urlReferrer 属性 只读
public string getUrlReferrer()

URL referrer, null if not present

userAgent 属性 只读
public string getUserAgent()

user agent

userHost 属性 只读
public string getUserHost()

user host name, null if cannot be determined

userHostAddress 属性 只读
public string getUserHostAddress()

user IP address


createCsrfCookie() 方法
protected CHttpCookie createCsrfCookie()
{return} CHttpCookie the generated cookie

Creates a cookie with a randomly generated CSRF token. Initial values specified in csrfCookie will be applied to the generated cookie.

getAcceptTypes() 方法
public string getAcceptTypes()
{return} string user browser accept types

getBaseUrl() 方法
public string getBaseUrl(boolean $absolute=false)
$absolute boolean whether to return an absolute URL. Defaults to false, meaning returning a relative one. This parameter has been available since 1.0.2.
{return} string the relative URL for the application

Returns the relative URL for the application. This is similar to scriptUrl except that it does not have the script file name, and the ending slashes are stripped off.


getBrowser() 方法
public array getBrowser(string $userAgent=NULL)
$userAgent string the user agent to be analyzed. Defaults to null, meaning using the current User-Agent HTTP header information.
{return} array user browser capabilities.

Returns information about the capabilities of user browser.

getCookies() 方法
public CCookieCollection getCookies()
{return} CCookieCollection the cookie collection.

Returns the cookie collection. The result can be used like an associative array. Adding CHttpCookie objects to the collection will send the cookies to the client; and removing the objects from the collection will delete those cookies on the client.

getCsrfToken() 方法
public string getCsrfToken()
{return} string the random token for CSRF validation.

Returns the random token used to perform CSRF validation. The token will be read from cookie first. If not found, a new token will be generated.

getHostInfo() 方法
public string getHostInfo(string $schema='')
$schema string schema to use (e.g. http, https). If empty, the schema used for the current request will be used.
{return} string schema and hostname part (with port number if needed) of the request URL (e.g.

Returns the schema and host part of the application URL. The returned URL does not have an ending slash. By default this is determined based on the user request information. You may explicitly specify it by setting the hostInfo property.


getIsAjaxRequest() 方法
public boolean getIsAjaxRequest()
{return} boolean whether this is an AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) request.

getIsPostRequest() 方法
public boolean getIsPostRequest()
{return} boolean whether this is POST request.

getIsSecureConnection() 方法
public boolean getIsSecureConnection()
{return} boolean if the request is sent via secure channel (https)

getParam() 方法 (自版本 v1.0.4 可用)
public mixed getParam(string $name, mixed $defaultValue=NULL)
$name string the GET parameter name
$defaultValue mixed the default parameter value if the GET parameter does not exist.
{return} mixed the GET parameter value

Returns the named GET or POST parameter value. If the GET or POST parameter does not exist, the second parameter to this method will be returned. If both GET and POST contains such a named parameter, the GET parameter takes precedence.


getPathInfo() 方法
public string getPathInfo()
{return} string part of the request URL that is after the entry script and before the question mark.

Returns the path info of the currently requested URL. This refers to the part that is after the entry script and before the question mark. The starting and ending slashes are stripped off.

getPost() 方法 (自版本 v1.0.4 可用)
public mixed getPost(string $name, mixed $defaultValue=NULL)
$name string the POST parameter name
$defaultValue mixed the default parameter value if the POST parameter does not exist.
{return} mixed the POST parameter value

Returns the named POST parameter value. If the POST parameter does not exist, the second parameter to this method will be returned.

getPreferredLanguage() 方法
public string getPreferredLanguage()
{return} string the user preferred language. The returned language ID will be canonicalized using CLocale::getCanonicalID. This method returns false if the user does not have language preference.

getQuery() 方法 (自版本 v1.0.4 可用)
public mixed getQuery(string $name, mixed $defaultValue=NULL)
$name string the GET parameter name
$defaultValue mixed the default parameter value if the GET parameter does not exist.
{return} mixed the GET parameter value

Returns the named GET parameter value. If the GET parameter does not exist, the second parameter to this method will be returned.


getQueryString() 方法
public string getQueryString()
{return} string part of the request URL that is after the question mark

getRequestType() 方法
public string getRequestType()
{return} string request type, such as GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE.

getRequestUri() 方法 (自版本 v1.0.1 可用)
public string getRequestUri()
{return} string the request URI portion for the currently requested URL.

Returns the request URI portion for the currently requested URL. This refers to the portion that is after the host info part. It includes the query string part if any. The implementation of this method referenced Zend_Controller_Request_Http in Zend Framework.

getScriptFile() 方法
public string getScriptFile()
{return} string entry script file path (processed w/ realpath())

getScriptUrl() 方法
public string getScriptUrl()
{return} string the relative URL of the entry script.

Returns the relative URL of the entry script. The implementation of this method referenced Zend_Controller_Request_Http in Zend Framework.

getServerName() 方法
public string getServerName()
{return} string server name

getServerPort() 方法
public integer getServerPort()
{return} integer server port number

getUrl() 方法
public string getUrl()
{return} string part of the request URL after the host info. It consists of the following parts:

getUrlReferrer() 方法
public string getUrlReferrer()
{return} string URL referrer, null if not present

getUserAgent() 方法
public string getUserAgent()
{return} string user agent

getUserHost() 方法
public string getUserHost()
{return} string user host name, null if cannot be determined

getUserHostAddress() 方法
public string getUserHostAddress()
{return} string user IP address

init() 方法
public void init()

Initializes the application component. This method overrides the parent implementation by preprocessing the user request data.

normalizeRequest() 方法
protected void normalizeRequest()

Normalizes the request data. This method strips off slashes in request data if get_magic_quotes_gpc() returns true. It also performs CSRF validation if enableCsrfValidation is true.

redirect() 方法
public void redirect(string $url, boolean $terminate=true, integer $statusCode=302)
$url string URL to be redirected to. If the URL is a relative one, the base URL of the application will be inserted at the beginning.
$terminate boolean whether to terminate the current application
$statusCode integer the HTTP status code. Defaults to 302. See for details about HTTP status code. This parameter has been available since version 1.0.4.

Redirects the browser to the specified URL.

sendFile() 方法
public void sendFile(string $fileName, string $content, string $mimeType=NULL, boolean $terminate=true)
$fileName string file name
$content string content to be set.
$mimeType string mime type of the content. If null, it will be guessed automatically based on the given file name.
$terminate boolean whether to terminate the current application after calling this method

Sends a file to user.

setBaseUrl() 方法
public void setBaseUrl(string $value)
$value string the relative URL for the application

Sets the relative URL for the application. By default the URL is determined based on the entry script URL. This setter is provided in case you want to change this behavior.

setHostInfo() 方法
public void setHostInfo(string $value)
$value string the schema and host part of the application URL.

Sets the schema and host part of the application URL. This setter is provided in case the schema and hostname cannot be determined on certain Web servers.

setScriptUrl() 方法
public void setScriptUrl(string $value)
$value string the relative URL for the application entry script.

Sets the relative URL for the application entry script. This setter is provided in case the entry script URL cannot be determined on certain Web servers.

stripSlashes() 方法
public mixed stripSlashes(mixed $data)
$data mixed input data to be processed
{return} mixed processed data

Strips slashes from input data. This method is applied when magic quotes is enabled.

validateCsrfToken() 方法 (自版本 v1.0.4 可用)
public void validateCsrfToken(CEvent $event)
$event CEvent event parameter

Performs the CSRF validation. This is the event handler responding to CApplication::onBeginRequest. The default implementation will compare the CSRF token obtained from a cookie and from a POST field. If they are different, a CSRF attack is detected.