15807105408 2016-01-04 09:49:05 7745次浏览 0条回复 3 0 0

$connection=Yii::app()->db; // 假设你已经建立了一个 "db" 连接 // 如果没有,你可能需要显式建立一个连接: // $connection=new CDbConnection($dsn,$username,$password); // $command=$connection->createCommand($sql); // 如果需要,此 SQL 语句可通过如下方式修改: // $command->text=$newSQL;

$rowCount=$command->execute(); // 执行无查询 SQL
$dataReader=$command->query(); // 执行一个 SQL 查询
$rows=$command->queryAll(); // 查询并返回结果中的所有行
$row=$command->queryRow(); // 查询并返回结果中的第一行
$column=$command->queryColumn(); // 查询并返回结果中的第一列
$value=$command->queryScalar(); // 查询并返回结果中第一行的第一个字段

$sql="INSERT INTO tbl_user (username, email) VALUES(:username,:email)";
// 用实际的用户名替换占位符 ":username" 
// 用实际的 Email 替换占位符 ":email" 
// 使用新的参数集插入另一行

$criteria = new CDbCriteria; 
$criteria->addCondition("id=1"); //查询条件,即where id = 1
$criteria->addInCondition('id', array(1,2,3,4,5)); //代表where id IN (1,23,,4,5,);
$criteria->addNotInCondition('id', array(1,2,3,4,5));//与上面正好相法,是NOT IN
$criteria->addSearchCondition('name', '分类');//搜索条件,其实代表了。。where name like '%分类%'
$criteria->addBetweenCondition('id', 1, 4);//between 1 and 4

$criteria->compare('id', 1); //这个方法比较特殊,他会根据你的参数自动处理成addCondition或者addInCondition,

$criteria->addCondition("id = :id");

$criteria->select = 'id,parentid,name'; //代表了要查询的字段,默认select='*';
$criteria->join = 'xxx'; //连接表
$criteria->with = 'xxx'; //调用relations 
$criteria->limit = 10; //取1条数据,如果小于0,则不作处理
$criteria->offset = 1; //两条合并起来,则表示 limit 10 offset 1,或者代表了。limit 1,10
$criteria->order = 'xxx DESC,XXX ASC' ;//排序条件
$criteria->group = 'group 条件';
$criteria->having = 'having 条件 ';
$criteria->distinct = FALSE; //是否唯一查询

1、用脚手架安装yiic,注意把framework下的yiic和php下的php.exe放到PATH中去, 假设应用目录为yiidemo,则先

cd yiidemo 
yiic webapp demo(这个是应用程序的名)



cd yiidemo 
yiic shell 

此时可以help去看帮助 先产生的controller controller message(controller名) helloworld(方法名) 默认在protectd目录下也产生controller,并且views目录下也有同controller 名相同的views文件

运行: http://localhost:8082/myphp/yiidemo/index.php?r=message/helloWorld


$theTime = date("D M j G:i:s T Y"); 

VIEW中: <?php echo $time; ?>

3、yii的HTML帮助类的连接: <?php echo CHtml::link("Goodbye",array('message/goodbye'));?> 出来的会是一个LINK了,第一个参数是连接的文字,第2个数组是 key-value,分别是controller/method

4、yii的单元测试 测试文件放在protected/tests/unit/中 一般是以Action+Test命名,比如MessageTest.class ,如果要测试的方法为actionHelloworld(),则测试方法为 testActionHelloworld().


5、单元测试步骤 1)安装phpunit

pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de

pear install phpunit/PHPUnit

(注意升级下pear upgrade -all) 2)下载selenium RC SERVER 3) 修改 test目录下的WebTestCase.php,设置为

define('TEST_BASE_URL','http://localhost:8082/myphp/yiidemo/index- test.php/'); 4) 启动selenium server

5) 测试开始

cd protected/tests/ 
phpunit functional/SiteTest.php


6、TDD 每写一个类,则 phpunit unit/XXXX.PHP测试下


class MessageTest extends CTestCase 
public function testRepeat() 

$message = new MessageController('messageTest'); 
$yell = "Hello, Any One Out There?"; 
$returnedMessage = $message->repeat($yell); 
$this->assertEquals($returnedMessage, $yell); 



$connection=new CDbConnection($dsn,$username,$password); 
SQLite: sqlite:/path/to/dbfile 
? MySQL: mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb 
? PostgreSQL: pgsql:host=localhost;port=5432;dbname=testdb 
? SQL Server: mssql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb 
? Oracle: oci:dbname=//localhost:1521/testdb

配置文件在 /protected/config/main.php 修改为MYSQL配置 // application components

'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=trackstar_dev', 
'emulatePrepare' => true, 
'username' => 'your_db_user_name', 
'password' => 'your_db_password', 
'charset' => 'utf8', 


8、启动GII gii是快速构建的工具之一,实际上就是一个网页的脚手架产生工具 1)配置 protected\config\main.php 增加:


2)在数据库中建立表后,到GII中产生MODEL类 3)继续单元测试

class ProjectTest extends CDbTestCase 
public function testCRUD() 
//Create a new project 
$newProject=new Project; 
$newProjectName = 'Test Project 1'; 
'name' => $newProjectName, 
'description' => 'Test project number one', 
'create_time' => '2010-01-01 00:00:00', 
'create_user_id' => 1, 
'update_time' => '2010-01-01 00:00:00', 
'update_user_id' => 1, 

其中save传递的false参数,是说保存时不再验证合法性了 测试读:

//READ back the newly created project 
$this->assertTrue($retrievedProject instanceof Project); 

$newProject->id找出其ID主键 更新及删除 //UPDATE the newly created project

$updatedProjectName = 'Updated Test Project 1'; 
$newProject->name = $updatedProjectName; $this- 
//read back the record again to ensure the update worked 
$this->assertTrue($updatedProject instanceof Project); 
//DELETE the project 
$newProjectId = $newProject->id; 

再用脚手架的crud generator,于是就CRUD都可以生成了。

9、validator YII有很多validator,用法:

public function rules() 
// NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that 
// will receive user inputs. 
return array( 
array('create_user_id, update_user_id', 'numerical','integerO 
array('name', 'length', 'max'=>128), 
array('create_time, update_time', 'safe'), 
// The following rule is used by search(). 
// Please remove those attributes that should not be searched. 
array('id, name, description, create_time, create_user_id, 
update_time, update_user_id', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'), 
array('name', 'required'), 


array('name','字段’,'字段2'......'required'), 10 创建TEST FIXTURE 1)protected/tests/fixtures/tbl_project.php,文件都在

protected/tests/fixtures下创建 比如

return array( 
'name' => 'Test Project 1', 
'description' => 'This is test project 1', 
'create_time' => '', 
'create_user_id' => '', 
'update_time' => '', 
'update_user_id' => '', 
'name' => 'Test Project 2', 
'description' => 'This is test project 2', 
'create_time' => '', 
'create_user_id' => '', 
'update_time' => '', 
'update_user_id' => '', 
'name' => 'Test Project 3', 
'description' => 'This is test project 3', 
'create_time' => '', 
'create_user_id' => '', 
'update_time' => '', 'update_user_id' => '', 


class ProjectTest extends CDbTestCase 
public $fixtures=array 

告诉我们去使用刚才的fixture. 使用测试数据 $projectOne = $this->projects['project1'];

11) 在测试时,使用测试数据库 在protected/config/test.php中,如下设置:

return CMap::mergeArray( 
'connectionString' => 
'emulatePrepare' => true, 
'username' => '[your db username]', 
'password' => '[your db password]', 
'charset' => 'utf8', 

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