没有命名空间的类 yii yii\base yii\behaviors yii\caching yii\captcha yii\console yii\console\controllers yii\console\widgets yii\data yii\db yii\db\conditions yii\db\cubrid yii\db\cubrid\conditions yii\db\mssql yii\db\mssql\conditions yii\db\mysql yii\db\oci yii\db\oci\conditions yii\db\pgsql yii\db\sqlite yii\db\sqlite\conditions yii\di yii\filters yii\filters\auth yii\grid yii\helpers yii\i18n yii\log yii\mail yii\mutex yii\rbac yii\rest yii\test yii\validators yii\web yii\widgets

Class yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException

继承yii\web\ForbiddenHttpException » yii\web\HttpException » yii\base\UserException » yii\base\Exception » Exception
源码 https://github.com/yiichina/yii2/blob/api/framework/web/ForbiddenHttpException.php

ForbiddenHttpException represents a "Forbidden" HTTP exception with status code 403.

Use this exception when a user is not allowed to perform the requested action. Using different credentials might or might not allow performing the requested action. If you do not want to expose authorization information to the user, it is valid to respond with a 404 yii\web\NotFoundHttpException.

参见 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.3.



$statusCode integer HTTP status code, such as 403, 404, 500, etc. yii\web\HttpException


__construct() 公共 方法


public void __construct($message null, $code 0, Exception $previous null)
$message string

Error message

$code integer

Error code

$previous Exception

The previous exception used for the exception chaining.