system system.base system.caching system.caching.dependencies system.collections system.console system.db system.db.schema system.db.schema.cubrid system.db.schema.mssql system.db.schema.mysql system.db.schema.oci system.db.schema.pgsql system.db.schema.sqlite system.gii system.i18n system.i18n.gettext system.logging system.test system.utils system.validators system.web system.web.actions system.web.auth system.web.filters system.web.form system.web.helpers system.web.renderers system.web.widgets system.web.widgets.captcha system.web.widgets.pagers zii.behaviors zii.widgets zii.widgets.grid zii.widgets.jui


继承 class CMssqlSqlsrvPdoAdapter » PDO
可用自 1.1.13
源码 framework/db/schema/mssql/CMssqlSqlsrvPdoAdapter.php
This is an extension of default PDO class for MSSQL SQLSRV driver only. It provides workaround of the improperly implemented functionalities of PDO SQLSRV driver.



__construct() PDO
__sleep() PDO
__wakeup() PDO
beginTransaction() PDO
commit() PDO
errorCode() PDO
errorInfo() PDO
exec() PDO
getAttribute() PDO
getAvailableDrivers() PDO
inTransaction() PDO
lastInsertId() Returns last inserted ID value. CMssqlSqlsrvPdoAdapter
prepare() PDO
query() PDO
quote() PDO
rollBack() PDO
setAttribute() PDO


lastInsertId() 方法
public integer lastInsertId(string|null $sequence=NULL)
$sequence string|null the sequence/table name. Defaults to null.
{return} integer last inserted ID value.
源码: framework/db/schema/mssql/CMssqlSqlsrvPdoAdapter.php#33 (显示)
public function lastInsertId($sequence=null)
$parts explode('.'phpversion('pdo_sqlsrv'));
$sqlsrvVer phpversion('pdo_sqlsrv') ? intval(array_shift($parts)) : 0;

$sequence || $sqlsrvVer >= 5)

Returns last inserted ID value. Before version 5.0, the SQLSRV driver supports PDO::lastInsertId() with one peculiarity: when $sequence's value is null or empty string it returns empty string. But when parameter is not specified at all it's working as expected and returns actual last inserted ID (like other PDO drivers). Version 5.0 of the Microsoft PHP Drivers for SQL Server changes the behaviour of PDO::lastInsertID to be consistent with the behaviour outlined in the PDO documentation. It returns the ID of the last inserted sequence or row.